Laetitia Jones - Australia Leading Property Manager - Whiteman Property


In this interview, Laetitia Jones shares insights into the interview process and what she looks for in candidates. She prefers a more casual interview style to make candidates feel comfortable and assess their fit within the team. Red flags for her include lateness and self-centeredness. She is open to hiring candidates from different industries and values their unique perspectives. However, she acknowledges that candidates from different backgrounds may face obstacles in adapting to the role.

She appreciates candidates who ask thoughtful questions about the company and its goals. Laetitia emphasises the importance of culture fit and looks for a positive attitude in candidates. While a degree is not necessary, there are specific certifications required for certain roles in the real estate industry. She considers references but also conducts her own research, including checking candidates' social media presence.


00:00 Interview Style: Casual vs Formal
01:15 Red Flags in the Interview Process
02:46 Obstacles Faced by Candidates from Different Backgrounds
04:17 Questions Candidates Should Ask in the Interview
05:53 Assessing Culture Fit
06:37 The Importance of a Degree in the Real Estate Industry
07:33 The Role of References in the Hiring Process
08:36 Cleaning Up Social Media for Job Interviews