Dave Arrebola - Senior Software Engineer - TechnologyOne


In this interview, Dave shares his insights on the interview process and hiring decisions. He prefers a more casual interview style and focuses on questions that reveal a candidate's values and thought process. He looks out for red flags such as strong emotional reactions to technologies. When it comes to discussing previous companies or colleagues, he values objectivity and dislikes disparaging remarks. 

Dave believes in hiring candidates from different industries and job roles, as long as they are passionate and have a supportive team. He emphasises the importance of proactive questions from candidates and looks for a cultural fit through a shared passion. Dave does not require a degree for the role and pays attention to references to understand how to best support and communicate with the candidate.


00:00 Interview Format and Method
01:22 Red Flags in Interviews
03:04 Hiring Candidates from Different Backgrounds
04:15 Questions Candidates Should Ask
05:40 Cultural Fit and Personal Connection
06:13 Importance of Degrees and References
07:08 Reference Checks and Employee Growth