Sophie Woollett - Event Manger & Business Owner


Sophie Woollett is an event manager in major events and operations, specialising in outdoor events and festivals. She started her career by studying for a Bachelor of Management majoring in events and leisure. Sophie initially worked as a volunteer and intern to gain experience in the events industry.

She then landed a job at Mardi Gras and later moved to a small events company. After experiencing burnout and the impact of COVID-19, Sophie decided to start her own business as a freelance event manager. She emphasises the importance of networking, proving your worth, and maintaining relationships in the industry.


00:00 Introduction and Job Overview
04:14 Gaining Experience and Figuring Out Career Goals
10:02 Networking and Progression in the Events Industry
23:17 Supporting and Mentoring the Next Generation in Events
29:17 Transitioning to Freelancing and Starting a Business
33:36 Day-to-Day and Week-to-Week in Event Management