Laetitia Jones - Australia Leading Property Manager - Whiteman Property


Laetitia Jones is a Senior Property Manager in the real estate sector in Australia. She manages landlords' assets and handles everything related to property management, including communication, maintenance, leasing, legislation changes, rent collection, and accounting. Laetitia fell into property management by chance but has been passionate about it for 14 years.

She has won the New South Wales Property Manager of the Year award twice and has been a judge for the awards for excellence. She is open to mentoring others in the industry and enjoys networking and sharing her knowledge. As a working mom of two, Laetitia balances her career and family life with dedication and commitment. Laetitia Jones, a property manager, discusses the various aspects of her role and the importance of building relationships with clients.

She emphasises the need for understanding different personalities and tailoring communication accordingly. Laetitia also explains the different office structures in property management and the importance of having a single point of contact for clients. She highlights the impact of technology on her job, making tasks more efficient and improving customer experience. Laetitia shares her love for the dynamic nature of her role and the satisfaction she gets from problem-solving and helping clients. She encourages young people to take risks and explore the property management industry.


00:00 Introduction and Background
00:33 Job Description and Experience
01:29 Career Path and Mentoring
04:20 Work Ethic and Family Influence
05:07 Achievements and Recognition
09:18 Balancing Work and Motherhood
14:05 Roles and Responsibilities of a Property Manager
21:01 Understanding Client Personalities
22:00 Managing a Large Portfolio
23:05 Different Office Structures
24:20 The Impact of Technology
27:03 Building Relationships and Handling Mistakes
28:06 Technology in Property Management
32:20 The Role of a Property Manager
35:40 The Rewards of Property Management
37:04 Advice for Young Professionals