Jacob Richter - Chief Technology Officer (CTO) - Propeller

Jacob Richter, CTO of Propeller, discusses his role and how he got to where he is today. As a CTO, Jacob heads up the product and engineering teams, focusing on everything from writing code to product discovery. He emphasises the importance of thinking beyond oneself and solving the biggest problems for the business.

 Jacob's journey to becoming a CTO in a startup involved starting as an engineer, growing his hard skills, and eventually transitioning into a management role. He highlights the need to focus on solving problems and making the company better, rather than chasing titles or career growth. Jacob Richter shares his experience transitioning from a startup founder to a management consultant and then back to startups.

He emphasises the importance of identifying strengths and interests when considering career moves. He also discusses the qualities that make someone successful in a startup environment, such as ambition, problem-solving skills, eagerness to learn, and resilience in the face of mistakes. Jacob highlights the pros and cons of being a CTO, including being involved in shaping the company and working with a diverse team, but also the stress and chaotic nature of the role. He offers advice on avoiding burnout by setting boundaries and pursuing other interests outside of work.


00:00 Introduction and Overview of the CTO Role

02:39 Career Trajectory: From Engineer to CTO

05:12 The Role of a CTO: Leading Product and Engineering Teams

07:13 Thinking Beyond Yourself: Solving the Biggest Problems for the Business

10:52 Overview of Propeller and Its Work

12:41 Jacob's Journey: From High School to Startup

20:39 Networking in the Early Days of Startups

25:33 The Appeal of Startups: Hustle, Ownership, and Fast Thinking

28:18 Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Set Objectives and Learn from Mistakes

30:38 Qualities for Success in Startups: Ambition, Problem-Solving, and Resilience

35:32 The Pros and Cons of Being a CTO: Shaping the Company and Managing Time