Chris Gold - Head of Accounting - Aterian


Chris Gold, Head of Accounting, discusses his career journey and the evolving role of accountants in the modern business landscape. He highlights the importance of strong foundational knowledge of accounting principles and the ability to adapt to new technologies. 

Chris emphasises the value of curiosity and a willingness to explore new tools and processes. He also discusses the role of accountants in interpreting data and providing insights to drive business performance. Chris shares his experience of transitioning from permanent roles to contracting and offers advice for those looking to make a similar move. He concludes by envisioning a future where accountants play a crucial role in leveraging technology and driving innovation.


00:00 Introduction and Current Role
03:14 Career Journey and Early Interest in Accounting
09:07 The Changing Role of Accountants and the Impact of Technology
15:11 Moving to London and the Challenges of Contracting
29:06 The Future of Accounting and Key Skills for Success
35:54 The Role of Accountants in Data Interpretation and Business Performance
37:58 The Need for a New Name for the Accounting Profession